The respect and the attention of women to their health will avoid a lot of problems warn of serious and minor ailments in their early stages of development. Note the changes in women's health, it is possible for the nature of the released mucus genital, and then, exactly as the mucus is an indicator of pathological changes and of the visit to the gynaecologist.

Types of mucus secretions in women
The mucus from the vagina is inherent in all. This is a characteristic of the body of a woman. Usually the mucus and different types of vagina – the standard and understandable source.
The normal selection have these characteristics:
- Can be transparent, white or red color;
- Do not cause redness, itching, or burning;
- Does not have odor;
- Have a small amount;
- Pass asymptomatic – in the absence of temperature, pain and discomfort.
It should be noted that the rate is when a small amount. Plenty of your selection should be an alarm bell for women.
Mucosa liquid in general – a sign of normal operation appendices women. This is the standard of annotation for any age group.
Starting from the 1 ° month of life, every representative of the weak half of humanity occur in the mucus, which are caused by hormonal changes. In the first month of life, mucus – the residual phenomenon of the destruction of maternal hormones.
To the maturation of its sex hormones, the mucus appears again, more often than not, in the period pubertatem.
As a general rule, the production of mucus falls in a period of one year before the beginning of menstruation. 8 years of mucus that is similar to the rice in the broth with an acidic odor.
As soon as the menstrual cycle you will install, the selection will be eventurum, their appearance changes. In the first half of the cycle, the mucus is usually moderate, but in the second phase of its thick consistency.
Divided the selection according to their type:
- White. The causes of their occurrence can be vaginitis, colpitis, annessite. Also looking at their pop-up during the intake of oral contraceptives, when the stagnation in the pelvic area, in case of violation of the rules of personal hygiene, but also with sedentary lifestyle;
- Transparent. Depend on the amount of hormones in the body, but also on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their presence indicates the ovaries. The composition of these selections are fragments of cells and transudate lymph, and also the micro-organisms, mucus from the cervical canal and the remains of work fat sweat, and the fluids in the breast;.
- Mucous membranes. This selection is not a disease, still do not have the color and smell. In the opposite case, it is necessary to do a complete analysis and consult a doctor;
- Watery.
During normal development, the selection, which do not require intervention from the specialist, can be:
- Thin, in the form of a cream or jelly substance. It is inherent in the second phase of the cycle;
- Transparent selection is inherent in the phase before ovulation;
- The mucus with bloody-tinged – relating to the period after ovulation.
- Creamy mucous clots – inherent before menstruation;
- Clots white – when the intake of oral contraceptives;
- Pink ichor – lochia, is inherent in the postpartum period;
- Creamy selection during unprotected sexual intercourse or during the use of the condom. This assignment does not have any odour and do not cause itching.
Selection in the form of mucus in women causes
The causes for the occurrence of discharge can be set. Why it is necessary to distinguish selection for say, their consistency, and also depending on the smell and color. So to distinguish:
- Spotting. Precede menstruation. However, they can be a symptom of the development of erosion or cancer of the neck of the uterus. Can occur when adenomiose, or in the case of violation of the menstrual cycle. The sudden selection of the blood may be the forebears of a miscarriage in the early weeks, when the development of an ectopic pregnancy;
- Foamy thick cheesy selection may indicate the presence of infection;
- Selection with the smell, bear witness to the development of pathogenic germs, beginners will rot in the body. Because of the decomposition process of the nutrients are expelled gases that make up the bad smell;
- The mucus or fat, before or after sex. Usually, when excited, the breast in view of the vagina produce in the active mode fat – is the norm. If the selection after the sexual relationship has a smell (second day) – could be the cleaning of the body of sperm, if not protected act. However, the presence in the mucus blood veins can be a testimony of the presence of cervical erosion. When you see white , green or yellow secretions after sexual intercourse for up to a week after sex is the witness of the development of the infection.
Also you should know that the mucus is usually when:
- the first sexual contact;
- when you change your sexual partner;
- when excited before sex, but also during unprotected sexual intercourse.
Can distinguish beli:
- if you have the foreign object in the vagina;
- when developed diabetes mellitus;
- with the development of polyps;
- in the presence of other benign growths of the uterus;
- with the development of malignancy of the masterbatch cavity.
It is interesting to note that the process in the uterus passes under clear and watery. The selection have an unpleasant smell, with a little touch of blood.
Inflamed, the endometrium and the mucosa of the neck of the uterus may develop mucus secretion with a liquid watery consistency. When the surface of the strip will be dirty.
Why stand out abundant clumps of mucus in women
The mucus is produced in the cervix, a special gland. Usually, this production has a particular smell. Depending on the hormonal levels and the functioning of the ovaries, as well as the menstrual cycle varies, and the consistency of the secretions and their character.
Abundant clumps of mucus – a cause for concern, as it is a fact, a fact that confirms the presence of the vagina different types of micro-organisms. In parallel with the release of clots, you may experience pain, burning or itching.
Is confirmed by numerous studies, that the penetration of opportunistic pathogens in the microflora in the female, the vagina is expressed by the presence of the emission of abundant mucus. These micro-organisms tend to reproduce rapidly, thus every day, feelings may vary.
Fairly frequent "guests" are:
- Mushrooms from a series of candida;
- gardnerelly.
Their presence involves the development of thrush and dysbiosis.
What to do when secretions with mucus in women
It is very important to pay attention to their health and pay attention to every little detail. The identification of any secretions, which differ from the norm, you need to see a specialist. In particular, if the emergence of such secretions accompanied by symptoms.

The treatment and prevention
The therapy of copious secretions and mucus from the vagina suggests a visit to the gynecologist, who, based on investigation, the diagnosis.
Self-treatment, usually, good results does not bring, as has the complexity and systematic nature. Very often it is so irresponsible approach leads to a deterioration of health, and the development of many complications.
In the treatment of infections most commonly include such activities as:
- The irrigations. When you use drugs or herbal;
- The use of special baths;
- Oral intake of medicines, whose action is designed to eliminate pathogens;
- The application of candles for the vaginal route.
Examination by the gynecologist implies the verification of the four degrees of purity:
- The first level consists in verifying the presence of pathogenic agents, the reaction should be acidic, and dominate the vagina of lactobacilli, in the absence of pathogens;
- In the second degree, and the number of white blood cells must be no more than 10, in this context, must be lowered indicators of lactobacilli. The agents that are present in this acidic reaction.
First and second degree – a sign of the health of the woman, to confirm the absence of disease.
The following two-degree – pathology:
- In this phase becomes alkaline environment, can be identified in India -conditional pathogens, the level of white blood cells up to date;
- The fourth degree features the abundance of white blood cells, pathogens. Sticks Dederleyna and lactobacilli are completely absent.
Timely referral to a specialist will cure the disease in the initial phase, and then release the sexual organs from inflammation in the short term.
Usually, timely, and competent therapy reduces the emitted mucus, and also addresses the unpleasant symptoms.
Moderate mucus secreted by the genitals of a woman – the norm and part of the physiological process in the body.
The increase in the number of, the change, its texture and smell – a cause for concern, which requires a consultation with a specialist. The first signs of disease should be examined by a gynecologist doctor.
It is important to pay attention to your health, and reduce to a minimum the entry of micro-organisms on sexual organs – comply with the main rules of personal hygiene, to attend systematically gynecologist, identifying different pathology in the early stages. Move, if necessary, systematic courses of therapy.